Xavier Moreau

Australian Exploration Manager at Vimy Resources

Mr Moreau was General Manager of Geology and Exploration at Vimy Resources since 2010. During that time he played a key role in large resource definition, baseline studies, metallurgical test work and permitting programs at the Mulga Rock Project. He was also instrumental in securing the Alligator River Project during Cameco’s divestment process and ensured the successful first years of operation on that project.

Mr Moreau has over twenty years’ experience in exploration and project development, having spent almost twenty years working on Australian projects, the majority of those being uranium projects. Mr Moreau served as the Chief Geologist of U3O8 Limited after being involved with Areva for over eight years in uranium exploration in the Northern Territory and South Australia and gold development projects in the WA Goldfields.

Mr Moreau was educated in France and Canada and holds an Honours degree in Geology.

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