Luchie Castillo

Associate Director, Asset Management at Pinnacle Real Estate Consulting Services Inc.

Luchie Castillo has been in the Banking Industry for the last 27 years. During her early years, she was with the specialized lending group where her main task was to streamline agricultural projects for financing under the specialized programs offered by the government.

She was also involved in the mobilization of multi-lateral funds/specialized funds from government funded projects like IGLF, DBP- IBRD Loans, SSS-Kasapi, GFSME and the like.

The last 15 years of her banking career was primarily devoted in the disposal of banks' acquired assets where she gained her experience in real estate. It is her firm belief that the primary goal of asset disposal is to convert the asset to cash at the earliest possible time.

She graduated with a degree in BS Agricultural Economics at the Cavite State University (formerly Don Severino Agricultural College) and an MS in Agricultural Economics from the Xavier University.