
The University of New South Wales is an Australian public university. Established in 1949, it is ranked among the top 60 universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings.



Sydney, Australia




Org chart

Attila Brungs
Vice-chancellor & President

Attila Brungs

Chrissy Burns
Chief Information Officer
Christine Burns
Chief Information Officer
Elizabeth Stratford
Chief Financial Officer
Libby Stratford
Chief Financial Officer
Scott Parlett
Director Nura Gili, Centre For Indigenous Programs
Adrienne Torda
Interim Dean ā€“ UNSW Medicine And Health
Alex Steel
Acting Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Education & Student Experience
Andrew Lynch
Dean ā€“ UNSW Law & Justice
Andrew Walters
Vice-president ā€“ Operations
Brett Biles
Pro Vice-chancellor Indigenous Engagement And Research
Colin Grant
Deputy Vice-chancellor ā€“ Global
Dane Mccamey
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Research
Emma Sparks
Dean & Rector ā€“ UNSW Canberra
Frederik Anseel
Interim Dean ā€“ UNSW Business School
George Williams Ao
Deputy Vice-chancellor ā€“ Planning & Assurance
Jonathan Morris
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ RT & E
Julien Epps
Dean ā€“ UNSW Engineering
Leanne Holt
Deputy Vice-chancellor - Indigenous
Lisa Zamberlan
Pro Vice-chancellor International
Megan Davis
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Society
Merlin Crossley
Deputy Vice-chancellor ā€“ Academic Quality
Michelle Steel
Interim Chief People Officer
Nick Fisk
Deputy Vice-chancellor ā€“ Research & Enterprise
Sarah Maddison
Deputy Vice-chancellor ā€“ Education & Student Experience
Sven Rogge
Dean ā€“ UNSW Science
Verity Firth
Vice-president - Societal Impact, Equity And Engagement
Bruce Watson
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Inclusion
David Gonski
Grainne Moran
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Research Infrastructure
Stephen Rodda
Pro Vice-chancellor ā€“ Industry And Innovation