You won’t find a betÂter man with more skills than CorÂpoÂrate EnviÂronÂmenÂtal SerÂvices and SafeÂty DirecÂtor Chris August. Chris’ key priÂorÂiÂty is the safeÂty and secuÂriÂty of ResÂiÂdents, staff memÂbers and the facilÂiÂties. He proÂvides peace of mind for all by superÂvisÂing and regÂuÂlarÂly updatÂing detailed safeÂty plans for Smith CrossÂing and Smith VilÂlage campuses.
HavÂing instiÂtutÂed enterÂprise-wide sysÂtems and proÂceÂdures, Chris ensures the most effecÂtive and effiÂcient use of Smith’s resources to benÂeÂfit ResÂiÂdents. He and his team also respond to ResÂiÂdents’ speÂcifÂic requests for their homes. They take pride too in manÂagÂing the care of the appearÂance of camÂpusÂes, includÂing landÂscapÂing and comÂmon areas, as well as makÂing sure all equipÂment and sysÂtems propÂerÂly function.
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