Conference Direct

1 follower


Meetings and events are our passion, and helping our clients succeed is what we do every day. We work tirelessly to reduce costs and mitigate risk.




Org chart

Jerry Horan
President & CEO

Jerry Horan

Larry Hanson
Chief Marketing & Sustainability Officer
Brian Richey
EVP & Chief Talent Officer
Chris Baum
SVP & Publisher of MeetingMentor
Rob McCulloch
SVP, Operations
Adam M. Briggs
SVP, Operations
Melissa Armstrong
VP, Business Development
Kathy Rasmussen
VP, Housing & Event Technology
Jeff Leung
Senior Vice President, Global Accounts
Meredith Fry Vazquez
Senior Vice President Global Accounts
Keith Hymel
Vice President, Global Strategic Account Management
Joy Cmiel
Senior Vice President
Okan Serinken
Managing Director At Conferencedirect