
Explore 240 companies in Slovakia

Allianz pôsobí na slovenskom poistnom trhu už niekoľko desiatok rokov a je nesporným lídrom v poskytovaní vysoko kvalitných služieb a produktov. Patrí do poisťovacej skupiny Allianz Societas Europea, ktorá spravuje zmluvy miliónov klientov v regióne strednej a východnej Európy. Allianz stojí na sil


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G&P is a leading provider of Quality Management Services to the Automotive, Aerospace and other manufacturing industries. They help companies achieve the highest possible quality standards while improving efficiency and reputation, together with reducing cost and waste. Since 1994 we have become a

Oficiálny LinkedIn profil hlavného mesta SR Bratislavy

Volkswagen Slovakia je najväčším automobilovým producentom v Slovenskej republike. V súčasnosti má na Slovensku dva závody, situované v Bratislave a Martine. Volkswagen Slovakia s.r.o. bol založený v roku 1991, produkcia sa rozbehla začiatkom roka 1992. Závod v Bratislave je jedinečným závodom s



Danucem belongs to the parent group CRH Group, which has been one of the top leaders in supplying building materials since its inception. Thanks to thousands of employees and partners, it helps build roads and residential and commercial buildings around the world. Its materials have been used to cr

HB Reavis


We are an international workspace provider that designs, builds, and manages places that enhance the wellbeing and productivity of its users. Operating across five countries: the UK, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, we have already provided workspaces for over 75,000 people. Since HB Reavis



SYNOT Games provides a brand new gaming experience with original content through a wide range of exciting casino games suitable for any platform. 130+ original casino games | pure HTML | easy integration | multiple resolutions and languages All followers must be 18+.



Altamira is a global digital transformation partner, specializing in helping organizations scale faster and more sustainably than anyone else. With market-leading capabilities across all aspects of product and technology development, we make a difference where it matters, when it matters. • Mobile

Why Summits


Our events, conferences and trainings are designed to inspire and connect industry professionals from all corners of the world. Together with our growing community of speakers, attendees and stakeholders, we create a platform to build relationships and discuss pressing challenges, opportunities, str



One of the leading systems integrators in the European market today. Focused on technical areas such as IP telephony, call centres, security, IT outsourcing and data networks. With more than 800 employees it is able to cover the communication needs of medium and large companies and institutions.



Solargis offers weather data, software, and consultancy services for accurate and efficient solar energy assessment. Our solutions help the solar industry reduce project risk and optimise performance of solar power plants. Solargis solutions help meet solar energy assessment needs for the entire li



Alanata je miesto, kde sa špičkové technológie spájajú so skúsenými expertami v oblasti informačných technológií, aby prinášali tie najlepšie riešenia pre vaše podnikanie.

FPT Slovakia


Vedúci poskytovateľ IT služieb v oblasti outsourcingu z juhovýchodnej Ázie, vďaka ktorému sa Slovensko dostáva medzi európsku IT elitu.



Ovogene is the first AI egg donor bank in the world. We are an international bank of biomaterials: eggs, sperm, and embryos with a fast-growing number of global storeges. At Ovogene Egg Bank we aim for exceptional quality and to ensure good survival, cleavage and blastocyst rates, but most import

itSMF Slovakia


itSMF (IT Service Management Forum) je národný, mimovládny a nezávislý líder v oblasti ITSM pre IT profesionálov, akceptovaným partnerom pre verejnú správu a širokú odbornú verejnosť, vnímané ako fórum používateľov štandardu ITIL, ktorý zásadným spôsobom ovplyvňuje rozvoj celého odvetvia a je plnopr

28 years of professional experience in the IT sector. 4000 employees worldwide. Strong know-how of supranational company combined with the knowledge of the slovak market.



ESET is a Slovak internet security company that offers anti-virus and firewall products.



Stationery, School supplies, pens, Licensed products

CHIRANA T. Injecta, a.s. as a world producer of first-class medical products and services carries on the tradition of the medical devices production in Stará Turá. The manufacture beginnings go back to 1935 when production of glass syringes was launched. Thanks to the dynamic production programme an

Chemosvit Group


The Chemosvit Group consists of a group of companies involved in the production, converting and sales of flexible films intended for packaging and the electrotechnical industry, production and sales of plastics, recycled plastics, polypropylene yarn, machinery and packaging machines.

KOSIT a.s.


KOSIT a.s. - Za čistejšie Košice. Informácie o triedení a odvoze odpadu, letnej a zimnej údržbe, prevádzke zberných dvorov a ďalšie.



PYRONOVA was established in 1992 as a professional company focusing on fire protection. Our goal is the efficient solution of fire safety facilities, protection of property, life and health, taking into account the specific requirements of the user, possible risk factors and maintaining high standar



Teach je súčasťou overenej medzinárodnej organizácie Teach for All. Prostredníctvom 2-ročného programu Teach Next do školstva prináša iniciatívnych absolventov a absolventky rôznych študijných odborov z domácich aj zahraničných univerzít. Takýmto spôsobom buduje komunitu Teach500, mimoriadne schopný



NAMELAB is a naming and branding agency that creates powerful product and company names to propel and differentiate brands beyond their competition. We are committed to helping companies rise above the generic branding chatter. - explore more at



SLOVCLEAN je líder v poskytovaní upratovacích služieb na Slovensku. Poskytujeme služby ako upratovanie pre firmy a domácnosti, upratovanie hotelov, komunálne upratovacie služby a technickú správu budov.

The Catholic University in Ružomberok is a public university with religious character. University performs its activities especially in the areas of the humanities, historical, pedagogical, and social and health sciences, as well as in the areas of art, economics, management, and law.

Umbrella Group, s.r.o. je pôsobí na slovenskom finančnom trhu od roku 2008. Poskytuje služby v dvoch hlavných oblastiach: - konzultácie a sprostredkovanie v oblasti osobných a firemných financií, investícií, úverov, poistenia a daní, - poskytovanie administratívnej, právnej, technickej, produktovej

Fleming Gulf is one of the world's leading business intelligence companies producing business-to-business conferences, which consist of current research, market trends, technological developments and applications. Our market-led intelligence allows our customers to make informed decisions for maximu



TwinSpin high precision reduction gears, DriveSpin actuators and RotoSpin positioners.

Kupele Dudince as is a Slovakia-based company, which operates as spa center. The Company's activities are divided into four divisions: Spa treatment division offers treatment solution of various diseases, such as diseases of a loco-motor system, neurologic diseases, diseases of cardio-vascular syste



ZAR invest je investičná spoločnosť, ktorej aktivity smerujú do oblasti rozvoja cestovného ruchu, hotelierstva a gastronómie. Prioritne investuje do opätovného vybudovania tradičných kultúrno-historických hodnôt. Na ich základe buduje a obnovuje kultúrne dedičstvo na Slovensku. Všetky jej projekty

Správna a plnohodnotná výživa je jednou z najlepších investícií pre dosiahnutie trvalého zdravia a dlhého a spokojného života. Avita sú výživové doplnky vyrábané z najkvalitnejších prírodných surovín.

Avex electronics, Ltd is a leading electronics contract manufacturer (ECM) serving the fastest-growing segments of the global electronics manufacturing services (EMS) market. Recognized as a technology leader, Avex electronics provides end-to-end manufacturing solutions, delivering unsurpassed quali

Pozrite si aktuálny leták, nové akcie a zľavy. Na webe nájdete aj najbližšiu predajňu a otváracie hodiny.

PSS is a banking group that renders an array of financial products and services that include savings account, loans, and insurance programs.

Spolu tvoríme kultúrne mesto. Už 20 rokov. Sme mestská príspevková organizácia, ktorá vznikla v roku 2004 zlúčením organizácií Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Park kultúry a oddychu a Bratislavská informačná služba. Skvalitňujeme kultúrny život v hlavnom meste prostredníctvom organizovania a transpare

Webstránka pre obchodných zástupcov Consumer Finance Holding, a.s..

AIESEC rozvíja líderský potenciál u mladých ľudí a vedie ich k zodpovednému podnikaniu prostredníctvom zahraničných stáží a členského programu.

Slovensko IT je spoločnosť prinášajúca inovatívne riešenia. Poskytujeme komplexné IT služby, inovácie a cloudové riešenia v prospech občanov a podnikateľov Slovenskej republiky, ako aj štátnych podnikov a inštitúcií. Primárnym cieľom nášho tímu špičkových odborníkov z oblasti IT je zabezpečenie štát

Display Service Network provide a high quality repair and refurbishment service for all sizes of LCD panels, LCD Televisions, Monitors & all types of display PCBs

101 Drogerie


Je mnoho predajcov, ktorí ponúkajú „všetko”. 101 Drogerie ponúka všetko a ešte niečo naviac. Číslo 101 symbolizuje 101% a je vyjadrením našej stratégie – urobiť maximum pre spokojnosť zákazníka.

Comenius University in Bratislava is a school in Bratislava.

TPA Slovakia


TPA is one of the Slovakia’s leading companies of accounting, tax advisory, payroll and auditing. In two offices, in Bratislava and in Košice, there are more than 100 professionals. Our practical knowledge and experience combined with enhanced business awareness allow us to create real value in our



Originating from France, NATEK was established in Czech Republic in 2004. The company currently operates in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria and reports stable 30% growth year-o-year. Our dynamic team of 600 employees come from over 20 different locations worldwide. Recently celebrating

News and Media Holding je najväčšou slovenskou mediálnou spoločnosťou. Do nášho portfólia patrí najširšia škála printových a online titulov. Pod značkou News and Media Holding vychádzajú lifestylové, spoločenské, odborné, ekonomické, detské, ale aj hobby tituly.