
Explore 240 companies in Slovakia



SYNOT Games provides a brand new gaming experience with original content through a wide range of exciting casino games suitable for any platform. 130+ original casino games | pure HTML | easy integration | multiple resolutions and languages All followers must be 18+.

News and Media Holding je najväčšou slovenskou mediálnou spoločnosťou. Do nášho portfólia patrí najširšia škála printových a online titulov. Pod značkou News and Media Holding vychádzajú lifestylové, spoločenské, odborné, ekonomické, detské, ale aj hobby tituly.

Sme najväčší distribútor elektrickej energie na Slovensku s viac než 100 ročnou históriou. Patríme do skupiny ZSE, ktorá je súčasťou najväčšieho európskeho energetického koncernu E.ON. Napĺňame dôležité poslanie, ktorým je bezpečná a spoľahlivá distribúcia elektriny v snahe zlepšovať kvalitu života

Zatopek Consulting is a specialized SAP consulting company focusing on complex solutions based on Treasury and Risk management functionality in SAP. In addition to supporting our partners in standard functionality implementation and providing project based development we have also developed a set of


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Make and receive calls using powerful call center software connected to your favourite business tools.


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Túžite mať vlastný úspešný e-shop? Postavíme vám kvalitné základy e-shopu na made in Slovakia CMS riešeni CREATIVE shop. 👉 Prečo zveriť tvorbu e-shopu do našich rúk? Za 17 rokov vytvárania e-shoppv sme spolupracovali na 1600+ projektoch, vytvorili vlastné CMS a vyvinuli 650+ doplnkov pre e-shopy.

Stredoeurópske multijazyčné call centrum s centrálou v Bratislave, s najvyššou úrovňou profesionálnych služieb.

OWL Agency


Representing some of the hottest talent on scene along with well known contemporary illustration and moving image artists we aim to challenge your creativity and entertain your audience.



Naším poslaním je zjednodušiť výplatu 👇 ➡️ Vďaka našim dlhoročným skúsenostiam z bankovníctva a finančného sektoru vieme, že finančná pohoda nie je vždy otázkou výšky platu. Ale tiež finančnej gramotnosti a možnosti robiť správne rozhodnutia. Preto sme sa rozhodli na Slovensku založiť spoločnosť,


Tvoríme banku pre dnešných ľudí. Takých, ktorí ľahšie míňajú ako sporia a ktorí vedia, že za telefón by mohli platiť aj menej, ale nechce sa im to riešiť. Pre ľudí, ktorí od banky očakávajú čosi viac ako len výpis z účtu na konci mesiaca a ponuku na pôžičku iba vtedy, keď ju práve nepotrebujú. Na



itrinity is a holding company with currently over 45 employees working on 4 different products, making them even better, every day. These are: - UptimeRobot: the leading uptime monitoring service in the world - Mangools: an effective SEO toolset - EmailListVerify: an email verification service - W



We're a software development team... that delivers. We're not just coders; we're a crew of software engineers who bring both heart and opinion to the table. We thrive on the latest tech trends and meaningful projects. WHAT sets us apart? * Long-term partnership in software development outsourcing

Talent Solutions


🇸🇰 Talent Solutions - sme tím, pre ktorý je spokojnosť našich klientov a kandidátov prvoradá 🤝. V kombinácií s našimi skúsenosťami a stabilitou na pracovnom trhu, sme pre Vás tým správnym riešením v oblasti poskytovania talentov či riadenia ľudských zdrojov. Našimi hlavnými oblasťami sú: • Dočasn

Television Markiza is a full-format private television channel which has been broadcasting in Slovakia since August 31, 1996 on the basis of the license granted to company Markíza – Slovakia, spol. s.r.o. on August 7, 1995. Within the multichannel strategy, channel "Doma" has been added to Markíza G

Allan Lloyds


Allan Lloyds Group is the world's leading provider of niche business conferences across the Banking, Pharma, Telecom, Retail and Energy industries. We believe in quality over quantity, and our conferences are tailor-made to fill the holes in the market. In our business knowing our clients'​ needs is

Blue Brain Games


If Leonardo da Vinci were starting a puzzle game company, this would be it. We are a group of game-loving game designers, inspired every day by the life and work of the genius Leonardo da Vinci.



Global B2B event organizer who connects professionals, provides the know-how and brings solutions.

CNC, a.s.


CNC is a leading provider of carrier-neutral co-location data centre services in Slovakia. CNC’s energy-efficient data centre offer customers extensive security and uptime for their mission-critical applications. CNC has created true content and connectivity hubs in Slovakia providing ultra-availabl



If you need accounting, payroll, tax, legal and corporate services, or the latest online solutions to support these areas, Accace might be the right choice for you! Our offices are located in 13 European countries, many other locations being covered by our trustworthy network of partners. Find out m



Milujeme knihy rovnako ako vy. Viac ako 200 000 titulov zo všetkých oblastí, rýchla expedícia, ľudský zákaznícky servis, výhodné ceny a vždy bezpečný nákup.



Bezpečnosť je naša priorita.

Denník Pravda je celoštátny titul s najdlhšou tradíciou na Slovensku, a to od roku 1920. Vychádza denne okrem nedele a je naším najpredávanejším a najčítanejším mienkotvorným denníkom. Pravda is a nationwide daily newspaper with the longest tradition in Slovakia, established in 1920. It is publish

2J Antennas


2J Antennas is a worldwide supplier of antenna solutions casting our net over Automotive, Marine, Telematic, Automation, and M2M markets. With our three RF development sites in the USA, UK, and Slovakia, we have developed a reputation for engineering excellence and self-sufficiency, allowing us to



We put the Tech in Fintech. Vacuumlabs are a digital product design, software engineering and data science company who specialise in helping Banks and fintechs get their digital propositions to market. Our designers, data scientists and cloud-native full stack engineers work as an extension of our c

Slovenské elektrárne sú najväčším výrobcom elektriny a najväčším súkromným investorom na Slovensku.



Poslaním spoločnoti DNA ERA je sprístupniť testovanie genetických predispozícií a tým pomôcť ľuďom zlepšiť kvalitu života. Vaše dáta sú u nás v bezpečí. Neposkytujeme ich tretím stranám a záleží nám na tom, aby boli boli chránené. Sme presvedčení o tom, že dlhodobo udržateľné zdravie výchádza z



We are SuperScale, a specialist tech company that exists to drive success for mobile games. We work with game companies of all sizes, from indies to AAAs, who want the highest possible returns from their titles, while keeping their IP and overall control.

Lighting Beetle*


Customer Experience Design that drives your business *️⃣ Service Design: We improve your services through balancing needs of your customer and your company operations. *️⃣ Digital Product Design: By researching your customers we create products that make their lives easier. *️⃣ Cultivating customer



We help grow businesses by building loyal dedicated engineering teams, hiring top 5% of the talent pool in Slovakia and Czech Republic. Our company was founded in 2012 by two IT experts in Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia. With IT match - you can focus on your core business and expect us to del



The challenge we fell in love with is “removing administrative barriers from car trading”. With COCs from EUROCOC, vehicle registration across most EU countries becomes a smooth and simple process. EUROCOC is your trusted partner in the domain of cross border car trading. Founded by former car tra

Volt Slovensko


Volt Europa je prvé a jediné celoeurópske hnutie, ktoré dnes už existuje vo vyše 30 krajinách, má takmer 30-tisíc členov a vyše 140 zvolených politických zástupcov na všetkych úrovniach (od lokálnej po europoslancov). Volt Slovensko je slovenská pobočka tohto hnutia, uchádzajúca sa o Vaše hlasy pop



AJ Ty v IT supports girls in choosing careers in informatics and technology. Girls and women are underrepresented in science and technology, worldwide and in Slovakia either. Efforts to generate interest amongst girls needs to start at an early stage. Aj Ty v IT works with high-school girls and thro


1 follower

Powerful research tools for improving the usability of your digital products, from prototypes to production. Combined with respondent recruitment and participant management solutions making UXtweak the only user experience platform you will need.



The InterWay Company has been operating in the most dynamic branch of the Slovak and foreign markets - informational technologies and the Internet – for a significant period of time. The company focuses on complex web solutions, IT solutions and the latest trend in the informational technologies – S

TITANS freelancers je jedným z popredných nezávislých poskytovateľov IT služieb v oblasti outsourcingu IT špecialistov. Ak potrebujete pružne prispôsobovať veľkosť vašich IT kapacít, zvyšovať výkonnosť vášho IT oddelenia alebo znižovať mzdové náklady, TITANS freelancers vám ponúka prvú pomoc pr

We organize leading private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) conferences connecting fund investors (LPs) and fund managers (GPs) across Europe. Our events are intentionally designed on a smaller scale so we maintain control over the audience, ensuring a discreet environment for in-depth busines



We operate a fleet of Boeing 737-800 aircraft which is one of the most popular narrow body aircraft in the word. Our core business is to provide the ultimate and most flexible ACMI solutions worldwide. Our philosophy as well as our business is simple… you pay, we care… and we care for our clients

DITEC, a.s.


The DITEC Company is a leading integrator of the information technologies which provide our clients with complete services in the area of installation and operation of information systems. DITEC designs and implements an effective infrastructure, which takes into account specific technical, operatin



MiddleCap Group, S.A., is an established investment and consulting company based in Luxembourg with offices in London, Bratislava, Prague, Dubai, Berlin and Monaco. In addition to providing a full range of advisory services in the areas of M&A, restructuring acquisitions and corporate finance, the g

Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR je ústredným orgánom štátnej správy v oblasti: • Riadenia, koordinácie a dohľadu nad využívaním finančných prostriedkov z fondov Európskej únie • Investícií • Regionálneho rozvoja • Informatizácie

Spoločnosť Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s., (SSD) je regionálnym prevádzkovateľom distribučnej sústavy elektrických vedení na úrovni veľmi vysokého, vysokého a nízkeho napätia. Zabezpečuje distribúciu elektriny na území Banskobystrického, Žilinského a časti Trenčianskeho kraja. Spravuje takmer 35



2K-Group is Bratislava (Slovakia) based IT company focused IT outstaffing to World wide clients. Facts About 2K-Group - 2002 - Established in Kyiv, Ukraine - 2014 - head office located in Bratislava, Slovakia - Clients from 7 countries - 70+ IT Talents 7 from countries

CENTRE FOR FUNCTIONAL AND SURFACE-FUNCTIONALIZED GLASSES is the project supported by the HORIZON 2020. It is based at University of Trenčín (Slovakia, coordinated by prof. D. Galusek). Project partners include FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany, with prof. A. Boccaccini), FSU Jena (Germany, with prof.



We will help you create the most appropriate IT solution according your needs. Among our priorities constant studying of new but also already existing tecnologies and their application is included. Thanks to that we may provide innovative, reliable and fast IT solutions to our clients.


Hire developers you will value. ✨ Find your ideal developer in days, bypassing months-long search process. Search our hiring platform with dozens available developers free of charge. We have already helped 100+ companies. ✓ 1500+ verified developers ✓ 96% match guaranteed ✓ Fair rates W



TEMPEST is a leading provider of IT products and services with a history of over twenty-five years working in the information technology sector. TEMPEST solutions covers business automation, service management, mobility, business analytics, application integration, asset management, business securit



DOXXbet patrí medzi popredné spoločnosti v oblasti športového tipovania a zábavy na Slovensku. Viac ako 20 rokov prináša tipérom služby v oblasti športového tipovania a zábavy. Zameriava sa na novinky, kvalitu, šírku ponuky, na moderné technológie a aplikácie.

O2 Slovakia


Sme telekomunikačným operátorom, ktorý presadzuje jednoduchosť, transparentnosť a férovosť nielen v mobilnej komunikácii, ale aktívne sa zapája aj do dôležitých spoločenských tém. So svojim portfóliom produktov sa snažíme systematicky meniť zaužívané pravidlá mobilnej komunikácie. Aj vďaka tomu sme



Slovak online advertising and consulting company. What we do: pay per click, search engine optimization, copywriting, online advertising, security audits, web usability, webdesign, webhosting, website analytics and consulting. Our job is our hobby as well.

“Think globally, act locally."​ We are a software company focusing on fintech, media and telco domain where we help our clients with digital transformation to innovate and boost their business opportunities.