Russian Federation

Explore 1,548 companies in Russian Federation


1 follower

Онлайн сервис по подбору психолога/психотерапевта. - 900+ квалифицированных психологов и психотерапевтов, - уникальная научная методика отбора.


1 follower

Russian agriculture bank. Founded to support Russian agriculture products producers. Providing all kinds of bank products to individuals and businesses in rural areas. Involved in government programs (national projects) by providing loans to farmers and agriculture producers.


1 follower

Мы – RoboFinance, компания-разработчик продуктов и технических решений для международных компаний финансового сектора экономики. Наши сервисы помогают людям в десятке разных стран получать доступ к деньгам быстро, удобно и честно. C 2013 года создаём передовые технологии. 26 миллионов клиентов по

Periodica Press

1 follower

Periodica Press sells a wide range of photobooks, cards, wedding books, certificates, and calendar.



SkiLLaz is a web company that allows customers to post jobs in order to find qualified applicants.

Ассоциация по сертификации «Русский Регистр» - крупнейшая международно признанная российская сертификационная и экспертная организация. +7 (812) 670–90-01

1 follower is an independent game developer focused on meaningful and educational games.


1 follower

Saranskiy zavod Rezinotekhnika OAO (SZRT OAO or Saransk Plant Rezinotekhnika OJSC) is a Russia-based company engaged in the production of fabricated rubber goods. The Company specializes in the manufacture of delivery rubber hoses used for pressure-loaded transfer of air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen an


1 follower

Tupolev PAO is a Russia-based company, which is primarily engaged in the aviation industry. The Company's main focus is manufacture of civil and military aircrafts. The production includes civil aviation: Tu-204CM, Tu-214, Tu-154, Tu-334, among others, military aviation: Tu-95MC, Tu-142M, among othe


1 follower

Группа компаний SRG – одна из ведущих консалтинговых групп, использующая в работе комплексные подходы к ведению проектов, передовые решения и современные технологии.


1 follower

Aviakompaniya UTair PAO (Public Joint-Stock Company UTair Aviation), is engaged in passenger and cargo transportation using airplanes and helicopters. The Company operates through two segments: Passenger transportation and Helicopter services. The Passenger transportation segment includes regular an

KORUS Consulting CIS provides a vast variety of EDI solutions for the B2B, B2C and B2G sectors. Since its foundation back in 2004, the company has grown to become the market leader in Russia with over 50 successful projects. We therefore possess high-quality expertise that can significantly improve

Компания - лидер рынка молочных продуктов и детского питания в России и один из ведущих игроков рынка безалкогольных напитков в России и странах СНГ. Наши наиболее узнаваемые бренды: , , , Bio-Max, Imunele и . Нам принадлежит самый известный российский соковый бренд - J7. Не менее популярны марки ,



MgCom agency helps business to attract clients and to conduct them through the funnel with the help of performance-marketing instruments.

HSE University


HSE is one of the top universities in Russia and the leader in Eastern Europe and Eurasia in economics and social sciences

Unicorn Platform


Unicorn Platform is a simple website builder for startups. You do not need to be a coder or designer to create a beautiful landing page for your SaaS, mobile or desktop app, Chrome Extension or any other startup.

Europa Plus


«Евро́па Плюс» (ранее Европа Плюс Москва) — первая в России негосударственная коммерческая радиостанция. Вещает в формате CHR. Начала вещание 30 апреля 1990 года. Средний возраст аудитории Европы Плюс — 20-35 лет. Европа Плюс входит в состав Европейской Медиа Группы. «Европа Плюс» — это радио FM/УК

Музей современного искусства «Гараж» — место, где встречаются люди, идеи и искусство, чтобы создавать историю.

Uralkhimplast PAO, formerly Ural'skaya khimicheskaya kompaniya OAO, is a Russia-based company principally engaged in the chemical industry. The Company specializes in the production of synthetic resins, elastrons and compounds on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) basis, engineering and special plastics, form

Tantal OAO


Tantal OAO (Tantal OJSC) is a Russia-based company involved in the manufacture of electrical equipment for military sector. Its activities comprise design and production of electronics and tool making. The Company's products include ultra-high frequency equipment, precision equipment and interferome

Основным предметом деятельности Общества является производство, передача и распределение электрической энергии. Имущество ТГК-16 — Казанская ТЭЦ-3 и Нижнекамская ТЭЦ-1 (казанский и нижнекамский филиалы ТГК-16) предпринимательства.

ABS Avtomatizatsiya OAO (ZEiM Electronics and Mechanics Plant OJSC), formerly Zavod elektroniki i mekhaniki OAO, is a Russia-based company involved in the development, production and maintenance of electric machines and automatic facilities. The Company's main groups of products are electrical actua

AKB Primor'ye PAO (Aktsionernyi kommercheskiy bank Primor'ye PAO or Bank Primorye JSC) is a Russia-based commercial bank, which is involved in the provision of financial and banking services. The Bank offers services to individual and corporate clients, including crediting, securities operations, ca



Restik is a software company that provides simple and clear accounting system, delivery site and electronic menu for a restaurant or cafe.



BUBUKA is remote controle system of musical players.

Digital technologies, LLC. is a leading Russian developer of software products and solutions dedicated to provide information security, including the development of electronic signature software, secure data transfer solutions, and also designing secure information systems. Since then, our team h

0 followers is an NLP-based technology company that develops a conversational platform for business process automation through AI-powered virtual assistants. We provide companies with intelligent tools for making routine interactions fast, simple and enjoyable.We apply our own NLP technologies to buil

Preobrazhenskaya Baza Tralovogo Flota PAO is a Russia-based company, which is engaged in the fishing and fish-processing industry. The Company specializes in fishing, processing of raw fish and seafood, as well as sale of particular species, including Alaska Pollock, canned food and caviar. The Comp

Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Kompaniya PAO (KTK OAO) is a Russia-based company engaged in the coal mining industry. The Company's principal activities are exploitation and wholesale trade of thermal coal. It operates three open-pit mines: Vinogradovsky, Karakansky-South and Cheremshansky, with a total des

Lipetskaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya OAO is a Russia-based company, which is principally engaged in the purchase, distribution and sale of electric and thermal energy on the wholesale and retail markets in the Lipetsk region. Lipetskaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya OAO is a result of the reorganization



CaterMe service ordering catering online.

Kamensk-Ural'skiy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod OAO is a Russia-based company, which is involved in the manufacture of semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys. The Company produces rolled, extruded and forged products, foam aluminum plate, as well as special products, such as wide extruded

0 followers is a cloud based sales & training platform for seminars, training, courses, face-to-face and online classes.

Omskoblgaz AO


Omskoblgaz AO (Omskoblgaz OJSC) is a Russia-based company active within the gas sector. The Company's main activities are distribution, as well as transportation of natural gas on the wholesale and retail markets of the territory of the Omsk Region. In addition, it offers gas equipment repair servic

Overmind Group


Overmind Group engages in the game development industry.



Cloud delivery route optimization software. * COSTS SHORTAGE UP TO 30% - Descend mileage and fuel consumption. Deliver more with the same amount of vehicles * SAVES YOUR TIME SAVES YOUR RESOURCHES - Two clicks on buttons for an instant set of optimal routes * YOUR CUSTOMERS SHOULD NOT WASTE TH

Nedra Digital


Nedra Digital — инженерная компания с инновационным подходом к цифровизации нефтегазовой индустрии. Мы создаём цифровые инженерные сервисы для управления разработкой, бурением и добычей — единство данных, инженерных расчетов и экономических моделей для принятия оптимальных и своевременных решений п

Inier L.t.d


Оператор интегрированных логистических услуг - все операции в рамках единого контракта: от планирования и финансирования доставки до таможенного оформления, складского обслуживания и доставки конечному получателю. На рынке более 20 лет! Консультация 8 (800) 333 76 14

Онлайн заказ такси в Санкт Петербурге. Такси 068 - это комфортное безопасное такси в СПб с быстрой подачей

Ingenius Systems


Мы в состоянии претворять в жизнь такие ваши идеи, за которые не в состоянии браться обычные агентства и студии. Использование новых практик в работе, позволяет с минимальными финансовыми затратами и быстро выпустить продукт на рынок. • Помощь в получении инвестиций У нас официальные партнерские



Unitiki provides selling and booking bus tickets service online.



Russian service SwapMap for finding events and creating communities of interest



Профессиональные логистические решения под индивидуальные потребности клиента