Russian Federation

Explore 1,640 companies in Russian Federation



Electric Vehicles power management company


1 follower

Aviakompaniya UTair PAO (Public Joint-Stock Company UTair Aviation), is engaged in passenger and cargo transportation using airplanes and helicopters. The Company operates through two segments: Passenger transportation and Helicopter services. The Passenger transportation segment includes regular an


1 follower

ИнфоТеКС — российский разработчик сертифицированного ПО в сфере информационной безопасности. Разработанная компанией технология ViPNet обьединяет средства мониторинга, аналитики, фильтрации, шифрования трафика для защиты информационных систем.


1 follower

Saranskiy zavod Rezinotekhnika OAO (SZRT OAO or Saransk Plant Rezinotekhnika OJSC) is a Russia-based company engaged in the production of fabricated rubber goods. The Company specializes in the manufacture of delivery rubber hoses used for pressure-loaded transfer of air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen an

Ассоциация по сертификации «Русский Регистр» - крупнейшая международно признанная российская сертификационная и экспертная организация. +7 (812) 670–90-01


1 follower

Tupolev PAO is a Russia-based company, which is primarily engaged in the aviation industry. The Company's main focus is manufacture of civil and military aircrafts. The production includes civil aviation: Tu-204CM, Tu-214, Tu-154, Tu-334, among others, military aviation: Tu-95MC, Tu-142M, among othe

VTB Insurance

1 follower

ВТБ Страхование предлагает страхование жизни и здоровья, имущества и другие услуги. Мы можете оформить страховку онлайн, воспользовавшись нашим калькулятором.


1 follower

Группа компаний SRG – одна из ведущих консалтинговых групп, использующая в работе комплексные подходы к ведению проектов, передовые решения и современные технологии.


1 follower

Design and prototype mobile apps easier than ever. No design or code skills required.

Программы 1С Предприятие - широкий ассортимент, лучшее предложение в вашем городе. Крупнейшая региональная сеть среди фирм-франчайзи 1С.


1 follower

The first digital experts on the Russian web-development market that specialize in financial and IT projects. Over 60 employees in Moscow and Krasnodar are currently working on creating the digital future of web-services.


1 follower

FORT is a national full-cycle biopharmaceutical company engaged in research, development, production and promotion of innovative biological drugs.

Periodica Press

1 follower

Periodica Press sells a wide range of photobooks, cards, wedding books, certificates, and calendar.


1 follower

DEXP is a Russian brand of electronics and home appliances. Their range will satisfy the most demanding customer, and the price will fit into any budget. Quality is guaranteed by a team of highly experienced engineers and programmers involved in product development. DEXP is Russian consumer electron

1 follower offers online courses for school students.


1 follower

UseTech is a custom software development company.


1 follower

Аэроклуб — комплексные решения для управления командировками. Дополните или постройте программу деловых поездок своей компании, опираясь на передовой опыт и экосистему IT-решений «Аэроклуба»

Volzhskiy abrazivnyi zavod OAO (VAZ OAO or Volzhsky Abrasive Works OJSC) is a Russia-based company principally involved in the production of abrasive tools and grinding materials. The Company's products portfolio is comprised of silicon carbide, abrasive tools on Ceramic and Bakelite binding, as wel

ABC CONSULTING is an GOLD SAP Partner, one of the top 20 CIS Partners, with more that 8 years history. Our specialization is an automation of HR processes and HCM consulting. We are focusing on helping to our customers to be more efficient in strategy execution due to implementation of end-to-end Sa



Domostroitelnyi Kombinat No 1 AO is a Russia-based company, which is involved in the homebuilding sector. The Company's activities comprise the construction and sale of residential properties; design, decoration and installation works; scientific and technical services, as well as the production of

Kuban Airlines


Kuban Airlines - one of the largest airlines in southern Russia, whose history dates back to 1932. The airline operates scheduled and charter domestic and international flights for more than 30 destinations. Kuban fleet consists of 7 Boeing 737 , 3 Airbus A319 and Yak-42. By results of 2010 the air

Самарский государственный социально-педагогический университет – один из ведущих государственных ВУЗов Самарской области и г. Самары. Новости и события ВУЗа. Контакты.

F5 service


Более 9 лет назад ГК F5 SERVICE вышла на российский рынок. Сегодня ГК F5 SERVICE – это компания, занимающая лидирующие позиции среди профессионалов отрасли, работающих на рынке Москвы и Московской области. Мы активно развиваем направления, работающие в регионах нашей страны и СНГ. С 2014 года наша

Clever Company


Clever Company is a cosmetics company located in Russia.

Altaykraygazservis OAO (Altaykraygazservis OJSC) is a Russia-based company engaged in the gas industry. It focuses on the distribution of liquefied gas and retail trade of burning oil. The Company was created as a result of the reorganization of governmental enterprise industrial association Altaykr

GRAND HOTEL EMERALD предлагает гостям Санкт-Петербурга комфортабельное размещение в историческом центре северной столицы.

Cherepovetskiy Myasokombinat AO (CHerepovetskiy myasokombinat JSC) is a Russia-based company involved in the meat-processing industry. The Company's products portfolio comprises over 80 types of meat products, including boiled, boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters, hams, delicatessen, as well as

The Mashina


The Mashina is a new car subscription service. It provides a wide range of car services through a yearly subscription.

AI Eye


AI Eye is a driver monitoring app that automatically detects distracted driving and fatigue.We help drivers to stay focused on the road and give companies a chance to minimize risks and maintain their reputation.



For more than 10 years, JSC "Protecor" has been involved in the construction of the most important facilities of strategic importance for the Russian economy.

Nizhnekamskneftekhim PAO is a petrochemical company, which is engaged in the production of synthetic rubbers and plastics in the Russian Federation. The Company produces over 120 product items of categories, including synthetic rubbers, plastics, monomers and other products, and supplies rubbers and

NK Russneft' PAO


NK Russneft' PAO is a Russia-based company engaged in the oil and gas industry. It is mainly involved in the extraction and distribution of crude oil, as well as production of associated petroleum gas (APG), natural gas and gas processing. The Company and its subsidiaries hold more than100 subsoil l



iTMan is a Russian-based IT company that provides software solutions, accounting, inventory, and license management for businesses.



Разработка, производство и поставки инженерного оборудования с 1994 года. Ознакомиться с каталогом продукции и оформить заказ вы можете на нашем официальном сайте

Интернет-магазин Южный двор предоставляет возможность купить бытовую химию оптом в Москве. Выгодные цены на все товары, доставка по всей России.



AIRA project implements the standard of economic interaction between human-robot and robot-robot via liability smart contract.

Inter RAO YEES PAO (Inter RAO UES PJSC), formerly Inter RAO YEES OAO, is a Russia-based company engaged in the energy sector. It is involved in the production, distribution and sale of thermal and electrical energy, export and import of electric power, trading of electrical power on the domestic and

Шоколадные подарки Конфаэль – это элитный шоколад от шоколадной фабрики. Оригинальные подарки для любого праздника и торжества. Потрясающие подарки для детей и взрослых

SK Yuzhural-Asko PAO is a Russia-based company, which is primarily focused on the financial services industry. The Company operates as a provider of insurance services. The Company offers a wide range of insurance products, such as life and health insurance, property and casualty insurance, business



Генпро — это крупная современная проектная компания с командой более 200 человек. Мы создаем эффективные решения для современных функциональных зданий. Обладая лучшими технологическими и кадровыми ресурсами, компания качественно и в срок выполняет проекты на высоком международном уровне. Фокус на пр

Expert magazine, Russian Reporter magazine, Expert-TV, Rating Agency,,, Журнал «Эксперт» — одно из самых влиятельных еженедельных деловых аналитических изданий России. За время своего существования в непростых политических и экономических условиях издани

Krasnoyarskenergosbyt PAO (Krasnoyarskenergosbyt PJSC) is a Russia-based company, which is mainly engaged in the distribution of electric energy on the wholesale and retail markets. The Company was created as a result of the reorganization of Krasnoyarskenergo OAO. In addition, the Company provides

Bogdanovichskoye OAO Ogneupory (Bogdanovichskoye OAO po proizvodstvu ogneupornykh materialov or Bogdanovichskoye for Production of Refractory Materials OJSC) is a Russia-based company which is involved in the manufacture of refractory materials. The Company specializes in the production of aluminosi

ООО «ЭМ-КАБЕЛЬ» производит и реализует кабельную продукцию: СИП, высокотемпературный провод, неизолированный провод, самонесущий провод, грозозащитный трос, силовой кабель и проволоку

Salavatsteklo AO (Salavatsteklo PJSC) is a Russia-based company engaged in the industrial glass production business sector. The Company's product portfolio consists of float glass, sealed units, multilayer glass for constructional purposes, safety multilayer glss for surface transport, multilayer bu