Explore 209 companies in Azerbaijan
Welcome to MSolution: Innovation Meets Excellence Transforming Challenges: We are your ultimate partner in turning business challenges into opportunities for growth. Holistic Approach: Our comprehensive approach covers everything from streamlining operations to revolutionizing your digital landsca
Treatment and diagnostic Centre "Shafa" was established in 1996 as one of the first private clinic in Azerbaijan. The main field of our activity is to render to modern diagnostic and medical care to people and organisation. 14 years of experience coupled with the newest equipment, high-tech labor
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IDRAK Technology Transfer was founded in 2003. The main focus of the company is to design, build and maintain information systems of any complexity.
Our Aspiration: We are an important player in Azerbaijan Banking Sector and do our best to support financial stability of Azerbaijan. We help Azerbaijan citizens to realize their financial opportunities. We help Azerbaijan companies to create value for Azerbaijan society. Our customers and emplo
Founded in 2013, PMD Group is specialized in property development and management. This includes construction, renovation, and equipment of buildings and provision of Value-added services to the residents of those buildings. The company is currently carrying out the projects such as Molokan Palace,
Established in April 2002 Avromed Company CJSC is the largest importer of the world’s leading pharmaceutical manufacturers. The aim of the company is to provide the healthcare institutions and the whole population of Azerbaijan with the essential high quality pharmaceuticals.
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"ABV" mağazaları elektron təhlükəsizlik sistemləri üzrə geniş avadanlıq çeşidlərinin inteqratorudur. Əsası 1993-cü ildə qoyulan “Araznet" MMC-nin idarəsi altında olan “ABV” mağazalar şəbəkəsi 3 mağaza, 1 servis və baş ofisdən ibarətdir. Fəaliyyətimiz dövründə bir çox dövlət və özəl layihələri böyük
“OBA Market” MMC Azərbaycanda fəaliyyət göstərən qonşu marketlər şəbəkəsidir. Şirkətin hal-hazırda 900-dən çox mağazası fəaliyyət göstərir. Market sayına görə “OBA Market” MMC Azərbaycanın 1 nömrəli marketlər şəbəkəsidir. Veysəloğlu Şirkətlər Qrupuna daxil olan “OBA Market” MMC yeni- discount market
ADA University is a state higher education institution engaging in the delivery of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in addition to the advancement of fundamental and applied research.
Kocbank Azerbaijan has been carrying out its operation under the name “Yapı Kredi Bank Azerbaijan” CJSC as of the beginning of 2007. Modification of the bank`s name was subject to incorporation between the founder (Kocbank) and other partner bank (Yapı Kredi Bank). The principal reason of banks` in
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A thriving hub located in Azerbaijan, aimed at growing startups and entrepreneurs. Our goal is to coach, invest and connect startup ecosystem players. Let’s make it happen together!
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We are Baku Steel Company, the largest metallurgical company in the Caucasus, having its own place in the economy …
The combination of tradition and innovation Azerbaijan Medical University is a scientific center, uniting thousands of students around the world, preparing doctors-professionals, specialists, and scientists. The educational process here is directly related to scientific research, achievements in th
"Veyseloglu Distribution" company started its activity in 1994 by importing food products from Turkey, and the foundation of Veyseloglu Group of Companies was established with this company. Since 1997, the company has expanded its activities and acquired representations of many well-known brands of
XXI Century International Education and Innovation Centre LLC is a well-established private education company located in Baku, Azerbaijan. Founded in 2001 with the aim of providing quality education with national and international standards. The company is offering K-11 (from Kindergarten to 11th g
"ATEFGroup of Companies" состоит из пяти больших заводов по производству электрооборудования и строительных конструкций общей площадью 120 000 м.кв, с собственными подразделениями исследований и разработок. Современное технологическое оборудование от лучших производителей и высококвалифицирован
“MKT IK” LLC has more than 25 years of experience in Azerbaijan’s non-oil economy. We are growing, and stockpiling cotton in 15 out of 20 cotton cultivating regions of the country with further processing at the 18 ginneries. Cotton fiber processed at the ginneries of the company is medium fibrous
Simbrella is the first Company in the world to launch Mobile Fintech Services. Simbrella is a fintech company that developed state-of-the-art financial services platform which enables Financial Institutions, Mobile Wallets and MNOs to offer loans to massive segments of untapped customers. We provid
PASHA Malls is Azerbaijan’s largest mall operator with the first shopping mall opened in 2008. Currently, the company is manages 7 shopping and entertainment centers across Baku and one shopping mall in Azerbaijan’s second largest city, Ganja. The group’s portfolio includes: Baku’s signature and o
MediClub — первая частная национальная медицинская компания ассистанс в Азербайджане. Со времени своего основания в 1998 года руководство MediClub взяло курс на предоставление медицинского сервиса высокого качества на основе международных стандартов, привлечение и подготовку лучших медицинских кадро
IBAR - IBAR web site
Track and Trace is an online portal for government and business organizations in the country, which allows tracking of the supply chain from producers to the end consumer.
The trusted leading food retailer in Azerbaijan for everyone to enhance customers' daily life by offering quality, fresh, convenience and inspiration. And always at competitive prices!
Azerbaijan is a true amalgamation of the East and West with the country encircled in scores of natural beauty speckled with modern architecture and rich medieval history. From Baku’s modern Flame Towers, to the depths of the medieval UNESCO World Heritage site, there’s something for everyone in Azer
Unibank is one of the largest private banks established in Azerbaijan in July 1992 under the name of MBank. It was established on 15 October 2002 as a result of the merger of the two advanced private commercial banks of Azerbaijan MBANK and PROMTEKHBANK. On October 15, 2002, after the merger of Mban
AFB Bank provides online banking, money transfers, and loans services.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On ensuring the activities of the Azerbaijan Investment Holding" dated November 5, 2020, a number of state-owned companies and enterprises, as well as business entities with a share of state capital, were transferred to th
Bringing together SOCAR’s experience as an operator with KBR’s project delivery experience, “SOCAR-KBR” LLC was formed with the purpose of providing services and works on design, engineering, technical procurement, construction services, and project management, preparation of technical requirements,
Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a research institution that studies theoretical and practical issues related to the research, creation and application of educational innovations.
Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a banking service provider.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti cənab İlham Əliyevin 11 oktyabr 2021-ci il tarixli Fərmanına əsasən, Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyinin tabeliyində “İnnovasiya və Rəqəmsal İnkişaf Agentliyi” publik hüquqi şəxs yaradılmışdır. Agentliyin əsas məqsədi, ölkədə rəqəmsal sahənin inkişafına
Since its establishment in 2007 North West Construction LLC (NWC) has developed into a modern construction and engineering company with a record of complex and state-of-the-art projects implemented in Azerbaijan and abroad. Some of the prominent projects in North West Construction's portfolio, amo
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Azerfon was licensed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Republic in December, 2005 to provide mobile services throughout the territory of Azerbaijan.
Brief history of the Company: Novco Group of Companies was founded by Farid Novruzi in Azerbaijan in 1999. The Head office is situated in Baku. The company functions in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia and Uzbekistan. Due to the expansion of the company, various companies have become a part of NOVCO GR
XXI əsrin birinci on illiyində ölkəmizdə, əsasən də Bakıda mövcud olan pərakəndə satış bazarında kifayət qədər boşluqlar hiss olunurdu. Buna görə də yeni bir supermarketlər şəbəkəsinin yaradılması zəruri idi. 2011-ci il mayın 7-də xarici və daxili bazarları daima araşdıran, savadlı və əzmkar insanla
Azərbaycanın ilk müstəqil faktorinq şirkəti olan Ferrum Kapital QSC 2017-ci il sentyabrın 19-dan fəaliyyətə başlamışdır. Yerli və xarici şirkətlərə faktorinq və digər maliyyə xidmətləri təqdim edən Ferrum Kapital, qısa dövr ərzində 100-lərlə şirkətlə sağlam partnyorluq əlaqələri qurmuş və maliyyə sa
In 1994, we started as a single store in Baku and became one of the largest electronics retailers in the Caucasian region with 30 large-format retail stores, express points, a growing online store, and the strongest dealership network across the whole country. We are an official distributor of Sam
The State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) is a legal entity and an extra-budgetary institution. SOFAZ is a mechanism whereby energy-related earnings are accumulated and efficiently managed. The cornerstone of the philosophy behind the Fund is to ensure intergenerational equality wi
Pasha Construction is a real estate developer that specializes in commercial and residential property development and construction.
BRPG is involved in the process from the time the site is selected through reconstruction or construction exhibit review, site surveys, due diligence, government and city approvals, permitting, construction drawings, contractor negotiations, project management, procurement and close out. We are comm
"Kontakt Home" mağazalar şəbəkəsi müxtəlif növ rəqəmsal və məişət texnikasının, həmçinin mebellərin pərakəndə satışını həyata keçirir. Təklif etdiyi malların yüksək keyfiyyətinə və göstərdiyi peşəkar xidmətə görə "Kontakt Home" Azərbaycan bazarında qısa müddət ərzində aparıcı mövqelərdən birini tu
ASC “Xalq” Bankı Azərbaycan Respublikasının Mərkəzi Bankının lisenziyası əsasında 27 dekabr 2004-cü il tarixdən fəaliyyətə başlamışdır. Yarandığı gündən etibarlılığı və sabitliyi ilə seçilən Xalq Bank öz müştərilərinə dürüstlük və şəffaflıq, etimad, hörmət, çeviklik, xidmətin yüksək keyfiyyəti və fə
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Azərbaycanda fəaliyyət göstərən aparıcı mobil operatorlardan biri olan Bakcell şirkəti 1994-cü ildə təsis edilmişdir və ölkədə mobil rabitə xidmətləri göstərən ilk şirkətdir.
Umico is a super application that combines an online store, a universal electronic bonus card. You can buy products directly in the app with delivery to your door, receive cashback for purchases in the largest companies of Azerbaijan, and manage your income and expenses. Umico Market is the first m
Glensol is a leading energy services company focused on the delivery of rotating equipment, hydraulic system, operations and maintenance services for Oil & Gas and Power generation industries in the Caspian region, Caucasus, and beyond. We offer the only integrated, ‘one-stop-shop’ workshop in the
IKTEX LLC is one of the leading IT companies in Azerbaijan. IKTEX was founded at 2007. Our mission to become a leading global software development and digital platform engineering services company. IKTEX LLC provides solutions in Application Development, IT consultancy, Fibre Optic Networks and Sy
Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, PASHA Travel's experienced team of travel advisors can assist with all your travel needs. Wide knowledge, unique experience and a genuine passion for the industry means we tailor every journey to suit your individual interests. We have been provi
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ATL Tech, B2B və B2C istiqamətləri üçün, daxili biznes-əməliyyatları üçün proqram təminatı üzrə çoxşaxəli xidmətlərini təqdim edir. B