Skeet Skaalen

Managing Partner, Principal Engineer at Wave Interactive

Skeet’s thought leadership and system architecture experience across various technologies and industries bring clients’ offerings to the next-level. As a Managing Partner, he helps clients create the architecture and strategy around digital implementations ranging from e commerce to systems integration and beyond.

Skeet has over 20 years of experience in technologies including a variety of programming languages, complex system architecture, information technology, analytics and search engine optimization. Skeet is an electronics engineer with extensive experience in systems, networking and web technologies. He has worked closely with hundreds of companies in consultation, architect and implementation roles.

Skeet’s resume also includes 8 years at Dial Global (NASDAQ: DIAL) formerly Waitt Radio Networks. As the director of engineering for DG local and chief architect of a suite of satellite and localization software, Skeet is the inventor on patents relating to digital media delivery in the broadcast industry.

His expertise with a variety of systems in a variety of languages gives him the unique ability to plan at the 100,000 foot level and implement at the 1 foot level.


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