Anna Eskelius

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Anna Eskelius is a seasoned communication professional with extensive experience in both strategic and operational roles. Currently serving as a °­´Ç³¾³¾³Ü²Ô¾±°ì²¹³Ùö°ù at ³ÕÃ¥°ù»å´Úö°ù²ú³Ü²Ô»å±ð³Ù since August 2021, Anna is responsible for the organization's visual identity and digital communication initiatives. Prior to this, Anna held various leadership positions at Finansförbundet from January 1998 to May 2021, including Enhetschef Kommunikation och Samhällspolitik, overseeing communication strategy, budget management, and personnel. Anna's earlier roles include communication and web responsibilities at Postgirot Kommunikation and Postgirot Produktion. With a robust educational background from notable institutions such as Berghs School of Communication and IHM Business School, Anna has developed a diverse skill set in leadership, communication strategy, and digital content management.



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