Michael Mastaglio

SVP, Transportation, Planning, Design & Multimodal Ventures at Urban Engineers

Michael Mastaglio, PE, PTOE, loves innovative solutions and is known for them too. ā€œMike is a confident engineer with an inventive style,ā€ said an Urban vice president. ā€œHe brings life, motion, and leadership to projects.ā€ Mike has more than 20 years of experience in traffic engineering, but his unique expertise lies in roundabouts. Having been involved in over 100 roundabout projects throughout the nation, Mikeā€˜s interest in peopleā€™s controversial perceptions of roundabouts brings a special perspective to his work. Here at Urban, he leads a multimodal team that works on innovative intersection and interchange projects.

A University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate with a degree in civil and environmental engineering, Mike is extremely active outside of his work. He volunteers his time with the Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail and is a member of the Transportation Research Board's roundabout committee. He enjoys skiing, biking, camping, and ā€“ a little-known fact ā€“ can even barefoot waterski. He loves what he does, especially his involvement with projects in urban areas, as well as his work with mentoring young professionals.

Education has always been an integral part of his job, teaching and reassuring people to take on his innovative solutions. On top of all his achievements so far, Mike has made it his future goal to one day have project conversations be truly balanced around all modes of transportation. A valued engineer and leader, Mikeā€™s sincerity and unceasing creativity always brings something new to the table as he continues to break new ground in his work at Urban.
