David Andres

Director, Analytics & Strategic Initiatives at Trinity College

David Andres serves as Trinity’s first Director of Analytics and Strategic Initiatives. In this role, he leads the Analytics and Strategic Initiatives Center (ASIC), which provides analysis, research, and curated data to support a strengthened culture of planning and evaluation across the college. The ASIC team is responsible for the college’s institutional research functions and the development of its next-generation data warehouse and analytics platform. Through this work, the team shares insights and analyses that inform decision making at all levels of the college’s leadership and support the implementation of its strategic initiatives.

Andres served as Trinity’s Accreditation Liaison Officer to the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), the college’s regional accreditation agency, in 2016. In that capacity, he shared a leadership role in facilitating the college’s self-study report and the decennial comprehensive evaluation by the Commission.

Prior to his current position, Andres was Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff, and before that, he served as Director of Strategic Projects for the student life division. He earned a B.S. in biology from Trinity.