Stats NZ

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Statistics New Zealand web homepage.




Org chart

Mark Sowden
Government Statistician and Chief Executive

Mark Sowden

Rachael Milicich
Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Chief Executive for Insights and Statistics
Simon Mason
Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Chief Executive for Census and Collection Operations
Vince Galvin
Chief Methodologist
Rhonda Paku
Tia Warbrick
General Manager, Te Tohu Rautaki Angitu Māori
Trish McAuliffe
Chief Financial Officer
Will Bell
Statistical Production Lead - Institutional Sectors Unit
Tennille Maxey
Policy Director
Jessica Lin
Senior Design Analyst
Jordan Hanford
Senior Design Analyst: Address Verification And Response Reconciliation
Alison Cooper
Āpiha Tāngata Mātāmua | Chief People Officer
Jason Attewell
General Manager Economic And Environment Insights