Josué Christiano Gomes Da Silva

Mr. Gomes da Silva has a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a Law degree from Faculdade Milton Campos. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee (USA). He is the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Wembley S.A., CTNM, Empresa Nacional de Comércio, Crédito e Participações S.A., Encorpar and Companhia Tecidos Santanense. He is currently the chief executive officer of the following companies: José Alencar Gomes da Silva - Participações e Empreendimentos S.A., Fazenda do Cantagalo Ltda., Econorte - Empresa Construtora Norte de Minas Ltda and Ecopar - Empresa de Comércio e Participações Ltda. Josué is a member and of the board of directors and former chairman of the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (Institute of Studies for Industrial Development), or IEDI, vice-chairman of Conselho de Empresários da América Latina (board of entrepreneurs of Latin America), or CEAL, former chairman of the board of directors of Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção (the Brazilian Association of Textile and Apparel Industry), or ABIT, and a member of the Owen School Corporate Council of Vanderbilt University. Mr Gomes da Silva has been a member of Springs Global’s board of directors and its chief executive officer since January 24, 2006.

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