Janne Egelund Andersen

Secretary for Health, Development & Head of Administration at at Rødovre Kommune

Janne Egelund Andersen is currently working at Rødovre Kommune since September 1986, holding the position of Sekretariatschef in the Social- og Sundhedsforvaltningens Ledelsessekretariat as well as Sundhedscenteret. Prior to this, Janne has also worked as Vicekontorchef, Fuldmægtig, and Assistent within the same organization. Additionally, Janne has experience working at FSD from January 2001 to January 2015 as the Leder af Sekretariatet for Foreningen af Kommunale Social-, Sundheds- og Arbejdsmarkedschefer i DK. Education-wise, Janne holds a Diplomstudie in Offentlig Ledelse (DOL) from Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole, as well as other relevant diplomas and certifications from various institutes.
