Angelee Murray

Director of Corporate & Community Development at ReVIDA Recovery

Angelee Murray is a native of East Tennessee and currently serves as the Director of Corporate & Community Development for ReVIDA Recovery Centers. Ms. Murray has a decade of successful experience in organizational development and non-profit management with an additional 25 years of nationally ranked achievements in the fields of sales and marketing. Angelee has been recognized consistently for performance excellence and community development throughout the Appalachian Highlands and State of Tennessee. Angelee has been named an advocate and educator for the National Safety Council, served as a panelist with former director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli, and was recently named a 2020-21 Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Leadership Fellow. Ms. Murray’s personal leadership style is one of “kind confidence” and her favorite quote is “Unexpected kindness: the most powerful, least costly & most underrated agent of human change.” —Bob Kerrey.