Chris Schumacher

Principal, Senior Building Science Specialist at RDH

Chris is recognized as an expert in the field of building monitoring as well as enclosure and building systems testing. Chris’s formal education in architecture and engineering is balanced by two decades of building enclosure design and testing experience.

Chris oversees much of the work done through RDH Building Science Laboratories, and he regularly consults on the development of experimental test programs for academic institutions, building product manufacturers, and government agencies.

Examples of Chris’s research work include the Thermal Metric Project, a multiyear investigation of thermal performance in full-scale wall assemblies; and the development of an apparatus and test method that measures dense-pack airflow resistance to support the development of the Building Performance Institute’s test standard BPI-103 and material standard BPI-102.

Before joining RDH, Chris was a founding principal of Building Science Consulting Inc. and a founding partner of Balanced Solutions Inc., an innovative Canadian building science RD&D consultancy.
