Dan Viterise

Director, Services Delivery at QueBIT

After receiving his BS in Computer Science from the University of Rochester, He was faced with the question of what kind of career he wanted. He loved coding and solving problems with technology, but he never felt comfortable working closed off from others, staring at a screen all day. Having worked at a customer-facing IT support job in college, he discovered his passion for taking his technological skills and using them to solve people’s problems.

It turned out that QueBIT was the perfect him. Working with clients to fully understand and solve their business problems is truly fulfilling. The CARE methodology at QueBIT fosters a strong and close relationship with the clients. They build solutions by working closely alongside their clients and giving them the skills to own and build upon their solutions. At QueBIT, there is a team of dedicated consultants just like him striving to provide as much value to the clients as possible.


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