Marcial Gutierrez

General Manager, Sienna Minerals S.A.C. at PPX Mining

Marcial is a Professional Peruvian geologist having graduated in 2006 as a geological engineer from the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. Marcial has worked throughout Perú, with over 15 years of experience in exploration and mining for both large international mining companies, as well as the Junior mining segment with a focus on the geological and economic evaluation of epithermal Au-Ag deposits and Cu-Au porphyries including Lagunas Norte (Barrick Misquichilca) and Chucapaca Project (Goldfields/Buenaventura). Marcial was instrumental in the discovery of high-grade Au and Ag resources in the Callanquitas Structure at Igor (2012) and led the technical team for the Pre-Feasibility study of the Igor Project (PPX 2017/2018). Marcial was responsible for the planning, direction, supervision, and monitoring of exploration programs for PPX, in harmony and care for the environment and the social impact of all mining/exploration activities.