Barış İlayda Yorulmaz

Junior Analyst&Developer at PowerDev

Barış İlayda Yorulmaz has been working in the tech industry since 2021. They began as a Junior Analyst & Developer at PowerDev, then moved to PERSONA as a Product Development and Analyst Intern. In 2021, they also began working as a Software Design Intern at ZY Elektrikli Traktör. Barış İlayda Yorulmaz has also been involved with IEEE Koç University Student Branch since 2017, where they have held the roles of Director of Internal and External Communications, EMBS Team Leader, and Active Member.

Barış İlayda Yorulmaz is currently pursuing a dual degree program at Koç University. Barış İlayda is studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The program is expected to be completed in 2023.
