Magnus Buhrgard

Manager, Open-Source & Standardization at ONAP Project

Magnus Buhrgard is an open-source and standardization manager and is responsible for coordinating Ericsson’s ONAP engagement. He is also Ericsson’s primary delegate to ETSI ISG ZSM.

With 30 years of experience in the telecommunication industry, his work has spanned a multitude of architectures and technologies, reaching from fiberoptic research to network and service automation. He has a long-term engagement in carrier-grade network architecture, previously serving on the boards of SA Forum and SCOPE.

Magnus is also engaged in the challenge of merging standardization, open source, and R&D ways of working.

He is the ONAP technical community coordinator in the area of Network Management, since 2019. In that role he has acted as the ONAP liaison officer in relation to SDOs, e.g. 3GPP, NGMN and TM Forum.

He has also been a speaker on ONAP related subjects in a number of conferences, e.g. Layer123 World Congress.

Magnus holds an M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Lund University, Sweden.