Kimberly Ridgley

Assistant Superintendent for Whole Child Development at Northside ISD

Kimberly Ridgley is the Executive Director of Whole Child Development. Her areas of responsibility are the Guidance and Counseling Department, Health Service Department, Family Engagement Programs, Social and Emotional Learning, Behavior Education, School Age Parenting, Even Start Family Literacy, Health Education, and Homeless and Foster Care Programs.

She began her career in NISD in 2002 as a school counselor at Zachry Middle School. She transitioned to Central Office as the Safe and Drug Free Schools Coordinator and also served as the Coordinator for Secondary Counseling Services. Ridgley became the Director of Guidance and Counseling in 2014.

Ridgley holds a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, a master’s degree in Counseling, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from The University of Texas at San Antonio. She and her husband Bill have four daughters, all NISD graduates.