PriÂor to joinÂing MetagenoÂmi, Sarah was Chief MedÂical OffiÂcer of Maze TherÂaÂpeuÂtics where she built and led nonÂclinÂiÂcal and clinÂiÂcal develÂopÂment efforts to transÂlate insights from human genetÂics into novÂel therÂaÂpeuÂtics. EarÂliÂer she was Chief MedÂical OffiÂcer of Nohla TherÂaÂpeuÂtics leadÂing clinÂiÂcal develÂopÂment of a uniÂverÂsal cell therÂaÂpy for hemaÂtoÂlogÂic maligÂnanÂcies. OthÂer execÂuÂtive leadÂerÂship roles have includÂed Head of GlobÂal ClinÂiÂcal DevelÂopÂment at BioÂMarin where she advanced a broad portÂfoÂlio of proÂgrams involvÂing bioÂlogÂics, antiÂsense oligoneuÂcleotides and gene therÂaÂpies for rare genetÂiÂcalÂly defined disÂeases, and Senior Vice PresÂiÂdent at MediÂvaÂtion where she led transÂlaÂtionÂal and earÂly develÂopÂment activÂiÂties as well as late-stage develÂopÂment of enzaÂluÂtamide (XTANÂDIâ„¢) for advanced prostate cancer.
Sarah curÂrentÂly serves on the Board of DirecÂtors at ProÂtagÂoÂnist TherÂaÂpeuÂtics and Neoleukin TherÂaÂpeuÂtics. She trained in interÂnal medÂiÂcine at Johns HopÂkins HosÂpiÂtal, received an MD from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia, San FranÂcisÂco, a Ph.D. in bioÂengiÂneerÂing from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia, BerkeÂley, and a B.S. in engiÂneerÂing sciÂence from DartÂmouth College.
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