

The safest and friendliest e-prescribing tool, for doctors. The most convenient and affordable way for treatment adherence, for patients.

Org chart

Joel Rennó, Jr.

Douglas Brancaglion
Head of Cyber Security
Gabriel Rodrigues Couto
Head of Innovation & Tribe Lead
Jakeline Guzelian
Diretora De Pessoas E CX
Marcel Ribeiro
René Moraes
Douglas Tadeu Costa Cettina
Advertising Specialist
Juliana Lopes Alves
Customer Experience
Walther Elias
Analista De Comunicação Interna
Jean Cesttari
Analista Employee Experience
Celisa Sagae
Business Development
Tamyres Barros
Strategy And People Manager At Memed
Silas Sales
Product Designer Specialist
Camila Gomes
Coordenadora de People OPS
Janaina Liesenberg
Gerente Comercial
Maite Dias
Clinical Intelligence Analyst At Memed
Davi Freire
Senior Staff Engineer
Fabio Lopes Lavrador
Site Reliability Engineer
Jhonatan Melo Gomes de Araújo
Site Reliability Engineer
Josinaldo Júnior
Senior Software Development Engineer
Igor Miranda de Freitas
Specialist Software Engineer
Acsa Cardoso
Head Of Product
Glaucia Sayuri Miyazaki
Chief Product Officer