Ross Henry

Senior Director, Client Services at Laird Norton Wealth Management

If you’re part of a business-owning family, Ross understands the unique issues you face. Coming from a family of business owners himself, he has particular insights into the nuances, challenges, and opportunities that arise for family enterprises.

Ross works with you to create effective strategies that meet your specific needs, drawing on his expertise in legacy planning, trust administration, and investment research, as well as his personal experience.

He often helps each of the generations within families manage family dynamics and plan for the future of their business. When you’re debating whether to pass on your business or to sell it, Ross enables careful consideration and the balancing of your personal needs, your family’s needs, and the business needs to determine what’s right for all three.

He holds a certified financial planner certification and he is a Certified Trust and Financial Advisor (CTFA). He also holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Washington University in Missouri.

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