Scott A. Browning

General Counsel, Infirmary Health at Infirmary Health

Scott Browning has nearly 20 years experience as a legal attorney, having earned his law degree at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL and a BA, Business at Wake Forest University. At Infirmary Health, he is accountable for all the legal affairs of the organization including providing legal counsel and guidance in any area required to ensure maximum protection of the organization’s legal rights. He maintains a comprehensive knowledge of pertinent federal and state laws, regulations, rulings, interpretations and court decisions as they affect the organization. Keeps fully informed of all new developments in corporate legal matters and keeps management informed of applicable new laws and of the progress and results of court cases. Scott also develops and implements strategies on a wide range of topics to assist in the resolution of legal, personnel and business issues; drafts, analyzes and reviews resolutions, regulations, procedures, contracts and related documents on behalf of the organization; prepares legal briefs, develops strategy, arguments, and testimony in preparation for presentation of cases.