S Nedumaran

Senior Scientist, Economics at ICRISAT

Nedumaran Swamikannu is Senior Scientist (Economics) from the Research Program for Innovation Systems for the Drylands (ISD), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), based in Hyderabad/India. Obtained Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Tamilnadu Agricultural University and a post-doctoral fellow from University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Well-trained in agricultural economics and working as Senior Scientist in Research Program on Markets, Institutions and Policies (MIND) at ICRISAT, India. With ten years of experience in the field of development policy analysis, natural resource management (NRM), foresight and scenario analysis of dryland crops, adaptation and mitigation to climate change and ex-ante impact assessment of technologies and development program, and has conducted research in collaboration with multiple stakeholders both Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Current projects led at ICRISAT (1) Global Futures Projects for Agriculture; (2) Foresight and scenario analysis under CRP-Policies, Institutions and Markets. (3) ICRISAT-SLU project on the dynamics of Urban Sprawl. Also coordinating and conducting research in CRP- CCAFS on climate change impacts for ICRISAT mandate crops as well as in crop model improvement to assess the potential of promising crop technologies under climate change condition. Also contributed immensely to address the targeting and priority setting concern of CRP Dryland Cereals and Grain Legumes by using his analytical prowess harnessing national, regional, meso and micro farm level database.

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