GeofÂfrey Roehll is the Chair of the FriendÂship Senior Options Board of DirecÂtors. He joined the FriendÂship Senior Options Board in 2014. Mr. Roehll serves as leader of the Senior LivÂing StuÂdio at HitchÂcock Design Group, where he has demonÂstratÂed his manÂageÂment, planÂning, and design skills on promiÂnent projects throughÂout the counÂtry. Since joinÂing HitchÂcock Design Group in 1990, he has directÂed many landÂmark projects in the senior livÂing and assistÂed care marÂket. His portÂfoÂlio of built work conÂfirms his pasÂsion for good design and a keen eye for detail.
In addiÂtion to his leadÂerÂship role with HitchÂcock Design Group, Mr. Roehll’s diverse backÂground includes an annuÂal engageÂment with the ChicaÂgo BotanÂic GarÂden as an instrucÂtor for the TherÂaÂpeuÂtic GarÂden CerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion proÂgram. He has been a guest lecÂturÂer at regionÂal and nationÂal healthÂcare and senior livÂing conÂferÂences and enjoys sharÂing, with attenÂdees, his ideas on site planÂning and landÂscape eleÂments that proÂmote healÂing and respite.
Mr. Roehll is a gradÂuÂate of PurÂdue UniÂverÂsiÂty with BachÂeÂlors of SciÂence and LandÂscape ArchiÂtecÂture. He is a licensed LandÂscape ArchiÂtect in the State of Illinois.