Aaron Greenblatt

CEO & Executive Chairman at Flipt RX

After Aaron earned his Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Maryland, he had no doubt that his life mission was to continue his family’s legacy to help people realize their potential. As CEO of G&W Laboratories, Aaron has re-energized the nearly century-old company to expand its ability to help those in need. He has led the company into new markets, extended its reach, diversified its product portfolio, grown its revenues dramatically, and built world-class teams — enabling G&W to touch the lives of more patients than ever. But after recognizing the lack of transparency and high costs in today’s healthcare landscape, he decided to lead the effort for further change. He wanted the market to reward innovation and value creation that improve the quality of life for everyone rather than value extraction, which benefits only a few in the short term and ultimately hurts us all. At Flipt, Aaron is determined to give people the choices and power they need to make medication decisions that impact their health and wellbeing, so that they too, can realize their potential.

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