John W. Ryan

Associate Director & Chief Sustainability Officer at First Pacific

Age 56, Mr. Ryan received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Connecticut and completed a Master of Philosophy course on Slavonic and East European Studies at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. He spent several years as a financial journalist, opening and leading Bloomberg’s Moscow bureau for five years in the early 1990s and later joining Dow Jones as Bureau Chief over the period 1998–2004 in Moscow and Hong Kong. Mr. Ryan subsequently served as Head of Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific for HSBC’s wholesale bank. He joined First Pacific in 2010. Prior to his appointment as Associate Director in April 2019, Mr. Ryan was Executive Vice President of Group Corporate Communications. He is currently Group Chief Investor Relations and Sustainability Officer, and a Commissioner of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk.