Jon Miseferi is an experienced professional who has worked in various roles from Marketing Assistant to Director of IT. Jon has a background in business administration and has excelled in digital media planning, social media management, and website redesign. With a strong focus on developing digital strategies, Jon has successfully executed various online assets and contributed to proposal development teams. Jon's expertise in marketing and digital strategy has been honed through positions in multiple industries over the years.
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Equality Fund
This is a historic moment in the global fight for equality. Women’s organizations and movements in Canada and around the world are on the frontlines of change - holding the line, demanding equality and driving transformation. The opportunity has never been greater. It’s time we boldly invest in their brave work to build a more equal world together. The Equality Fund is a groundbreaking collaboration that will deliver new momentum for women’s movements. Powered by The MATCH International Women’s Fund, the Equality Fund will drive the cultural, economic and political changes required to make global gender equality a reality. The time is now for Canada to demonstrate leadership to the world. Welcome to the Equality Fund. This Company Page was formerly The MATCH International Women's Fund.