Rachel Loewy

Executive Director of Western Reserve at Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Rachel Loewy serves as the Executive Director for the Western Reserve Revitalization and Management Company, Inc., the nonprofit arm of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA). Previously, she served as the Director of Modernization and Development of CMHA, overseeing the coordination and implementation of strategic real estate development transactions including mixed-finance transactions and projects associated with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Rental Assistance Demonstration & Choice Neighborhood programs, and the physical implementation of those transactions. In addition to oversite and coordination of construction financing for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization initiatives, Loewy oversaw the CMHA Capital Fund Program. Prior to her promotion to Director, Loewy served as the Deputy Director of the Modernization and Development Department where she was responsible for the CMHA resident and business inclusion efforts and social service initiatives involving outside grant funding sources in addition to the development and implementation of tax credit properties in operation. Her work coordinating inclusion for the Authority led to a Hall of Fame award with the Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Council on Economic Inclusion. Additionally, Loewy was part of the CMHA Development Department for 10 years and before that, she was the Assistant Director of the City of Cleveland Department of Workforce Development for 10 years where she facilitated the coordination of 14 workforce development agencies functioning as one organization allowing for streamlined, efficient human resource services to businesses and job seekers. Loewy received a Bachelor of Liberal Studies from Bowling Green State University in Business Administration and Political Science and a Master of Business Administration from Cleveland State University. She participated in the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Leadership Academy in 2016, is a board member of two local companies and is a former member of Hard Hatted Women’s board, a not-for-profit organization providing workforce development services to women and girls in non-traditional occupations.