Karen Gargamelli-McCreight

Screening Attorney at Connecticut Veterans Legal Center

Karen joins CVLC as new Screening Attorney. She began her legal career at Common Law Inc. working with community organizers to increase access to legal services in low-income NYC neighborhoods.

At Common Law, Karen co-created an innovative model to address the foreclosure crisis through pro se training. This model worked to bridge the access to justice gap for low-income individuals and their families facing home foreclosure.

She also co-founded and co-directed Benincasa Community, a small non-profit offering hospitality and supportive services in NYC and—most recently—therapeutic farming and eco-education in Guilford, CT.

Karen earned her J.D. from the City University of New York School of Law and a B.A. in English Literature from Loyola University Chicago. She is admitted to practice in Connecticut and New York.

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