Tammy Q. Kelly

Director RAI & Clinical Reimbursement at Commonwealth Care of Roanoke

Tammy Q. Kelly PT, LNHA, RAC-CT is presently serving as the Director RAI and Clinical Reimbursement and member of Senior Management team at CCR, Inc. with corporate oversight for the MDS/RAI process, care planning education and resources, related quality improvement and compliance processes, clinical reimbursement processes and payment reform, ADR and appeals process, Social Services/Case Management, and contract therapy services. She holds current memberships in AANAC, American and Virginia Physical Therapy Associations, and American Health Care Association/Virginia Health Care Association (serving on VHCA Regulatory and Quality Care Committees) and began serving a 3-year term on the AHCA Quality Award Board of Overseers in January 2017. She has served as a Senior Examiner/Team Leader for the American Health Care Association Silver Quality Awards 2007-present. She served on the 2015 Virginia Lt. Governor’s Round-table on Quality, Payment Reform, and HIT.