Fernando Jorge Ferreira is a highly experienced professional in the industry, currently serving as the CFO at Cin Corporaçao Industrial do Norte. fernando jorge also holds various board member positions in companies such as Tintas Cin Angola, Celliose, PFI, Atossa, Terracos do Souto, and Vita Investments. With a strong background in real estate and holding company management, Fernando is a valuable asset to the organizations fernando jorge is associated with.
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Tintas CIN
PT | Com mais de 100 anos de experiência no mercado de tintas e vernizes, a CIN é líder de mercado na Península Ibérica desde 1995. Em 2022 atingiu um volume de negócios consolidado de 389 milhões de Euros cotando-se como o 10º maior fabricante europeu de tintas* e o 35º a nível mundial**. A CIN está presente nos quatro principais segmentos de mercado (Construção Civil, Indústria, Protecção Anticorrosiva e Yachting and Marine), contando com cerca de 1.634 colaboradores em mais de 15 países, com presença directa em Portugal, Espanha, França, Itália, Polónia, Angola, Moçambique, África do Sul e México; e exportando para vários mercados da Europa Central, América Latina e África. Para mais informações: www.cin.com * European Coatings Journal, Maio 2023 ** Coatings World Top Companies Report, Agosto 2022 EN | With over 100 years of experience in the coatings industry, CIN has been the Iberian market leader since 1995. In 2022 reached a turnover of 389 million ranking as the 10th largest European paint manufacturer * and the 35th worldwide **. CIN operates in all four main market segments (Architectural, Industry, Protective Coatings and Yachting and Marine), with over 1634 employees in more than 15 countries, with a direct presence in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa and Mexico; and exporting to various markets in Central Europe, Latin America and Africa. For more information: www.cin.com * European Coatings Journal, May 2023 ** Coatings World Top Companies Report, August 2022