Terry Shakarisaz

Chief Financial Officer at Chesmar Homes

Terry is analytical, kind, and honestly upbeat! She is proud to have 3 grown sons who are each creating their own mark in the world. Back at her home in Spring TX, Terry enjoys spending time with her cranky old cat named Newbie, which is short for Anubis. Terry says when the dark day comes when Newbie passes over the rainbow bridge, she will probably head to the shelter and pick up 3 or 4 new cats and become a crazy cat lady!

When she isn’t chilling with Newbie, Terry enjoys gardening in her backyard, reading, or cheering for the Astros! Although baseball is her favorite, she also enjoys watching various football and basketball games. One of Terry’s biggest passions includes animal rescue and preserving nature and wildlife habitats.

Growing up Terry wanted to be a neurosurgeon, however, life pushed her in a different direction. Now at Chesmar Terry is a supportive leader, helping contribute to the distinct culture and team atmosphere.

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