Frédérique Laurier

Deputy Director, Promotion & Dissemination of Knowledge at Centre jeunesse de Montréal - Institut universitaire

Frédérique Laurier is the current Deputy Director of Promotion & Dissemination of Knowledge at Centre jeunesse de Montréal - Institut universitaire. Frédérique has held this position for 6 years and 10 months. Prior to their current role, they were the Adjointe à la direction générale - communications et affaires publiques at Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal for 4 years and 11 months. In this role, they were responsible for managing the communications team, the infrastructure of the teaching and diffusion of expertise, as well as Avantâge, our centre for promoting the health of seniors. Frédérique was also in charge of the communications for the Centre de recherche and the strategic planning of the establishment. Frédérique also interim-coordinated the Agrément process in the months leading up to and during the Agrément visit.

Before their role at Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, they were Directice et conseillère principale at Groupe 2000 neuf for 5 years and 5 months. In this role, they were responsible for strategic planning and consulting services, leading workshops on media relations, spokesperson training, and crisis management, creating and managing events including research and sponsorship management (sponsorships), developing business for the firm and coordinating all aspects of client mandates, evaluating external and internal client environments (audits), managing crises and supporting management teams, project management, branding, writing, editing and producing written and multimedia tools (web, photos, videos, etc.) as well as advertisements (including media buying), proactive and reactive media relations (including press list building, press release writing, event planning, media monitoring, press clipping and analysis). Some of their key clients included: Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux, Ambassades d’Espagne et de France au Canada, AstraZeneca, CÉGEP de Saint-Hyacinthe, Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec, CSSS Haut-Richelieu–Rouville, Jardins-Roussillon, Saint- Léonard–Saint-Michel, du Sud de Lanaudière, Hôpital du Sacré- Coeur de Montréal et Hôpital Marie-Clarac DesÉquilibres et ENvironnement JEUnesse, Fédération des physiothérapeutes en pratique privée du Québec, Fonds d’action québécois en développement durable GlaxoSmithKline IBM (Québec, santé), Ordre des optométristes, Ordre professionnel des diététistes et Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Purkinje (informatique), Semaines d’actions contre le racisme Ville de Montréal.

Frédérique Laurier holds a DESS in organizational development and strategic management of development from Université Laval (2011-2015), as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Université du Québec à Montréal (1997-1999).
