Craig Wilson

MD, Quality & Process Improvement at Catalyst Connection

Mr. Wilson has more than twenty years working as a supervisor, manager and advisor in quality assurance and production. Since joining Catalyst Connection in February 1993, he has helped companies in the aerospace, automotive, chemical, defense, food processing and medical industries to develop and implement effective quality management systems. Mr. Wilson is an AS9100/AS9120 Aerospace Experience Auditor with Exemplar Global and a QMS Lead Auditor with IRQA. He is a senior member in the American Society for Quality, an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality /Organizational Excellence, Certified Quality Engineer, and Certified Quality Auditor. Additionally, Mr. Wilson is an IAQG certified Instructor for the AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training.

He holds a BS degree in Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from West Virginia University. He regularly performs QMS audits of aerospace companies in the continental US, Canada, Mexico and Europe.


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