Mike Bosscher

Onshape Mechanical Designer at CADSharp

Mike grew up on the shores of Lake Ontario, where he resides to this day. Raised around his father’s automotive repair shop, he developed an affinity for all things mechanical, which led to him studying mechanical engineering technology in college. Since then, he’s led a varied career in mechanical design, PDM administration, and systems analysis. Unlike his soft-handed colleagues, who will never know the feeling of scrubbing grease and dirt off their hands with 20 Mule Team Borax after a day of actual work, Mike is equally comfortable behind the computer as he is in the machine shop. In his spare time, he repairs centrifugal clutches and nitrogen-charged shocks on snowmobiles, hunts waterfowl on the Grand River, works out on his home-made squat rack, and enjoys other activities that only a man with a beard like his could confidently perform.

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