Overnight Residential Counselor

Overnight Residential Counselor at Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Overnight Residential Counselor at Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Overnight Staff at Amos House, CNA/CMT at Concord Health, CMT/CNA at Baymist Assistant Living, and CMT/CNA at Aids Care Ocean State. April 2002 to July 2004 Jr Counselor at Phoeniex House of Rhode Island.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters is a non-profit organization that provides free counseling and support services to individuals and families affected by substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Amos House is a women's shelter that provides safe overnight accommodations and meals for women in need.

Concord Health is a home health care agency that provides nursing and personal care services to clients in their homes.

Baymist Assistant Living is an assisted living facility that provides housing, meals, and personal care services to elderly and disabled residents.

Aids Care Ocean State is an HIV/AIDS service organization that provides case management, counseling, and medication assistance to clients living with HIV/AIDS.

Phoeniex House of Rhode Island is a residential treatment center for individuals with substance abuse disorders.

Their manager is TLP Coordinator, TLP Coordinator.