Atlas Iron Pty Ltd



Atlas Iron is an independent Australian iron ore company, mining and exporting Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) from its operations in the Northern Pilbara region of Western Australia. Since listing on the ASX in late 2004, Atlas has grown into a mid-sized iron ore mining and exploration company. Atlas Ir... Read more





Org chart

Ricky Catlin
Principal Mining Engineer
Mark North
Principal, Sales And Shipping
Carly B.
Principal - HR Business Partner
Michael Waller
General Manager, Technology And Information Management
Stew O'Brien
Manager Health & Safety
Chris Deans
Executive General Manager - Operations And Technical Services
Jon Sigve Bjaanes
Manager - Legal / Joint Company Secretary
Scott Maxwell
Manager Asset Management
Andrew Linaker
Senior Financial Analyst
Nicola Hanson
Senior Financial Accountant
Suanne Giles
Senior Contracts Officer
Adam Martin
Integrated Planning
Janette Edwards
Applications And Services Superindendent
Julie Knowles
Operations Administrator