Ross Luebe

Senior Director of Creative Technology at Athletics

Ross grew up in Houston, though his Texan accent is minimal. He brings a predilection for all things minimalist to his role as Athletics’ technical director. Ross received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he studied design and screen printing. Upon graduating, Ross co-founded a Legendary art gallery in Chicago. In 2007, he interned with Athletics while working toward an MFA in design at the Cranbrook Academy of Art outside of Detroit. He weathered the 2008 recession in San Francisco working as an illustrator for Old Navy, during which time he debuted paintings in a solo exhibition. Ross then found his way back to New York, where he freelanced with a range of agencies, non-profits, and independent artists, using emerging technologies to activate design. Ross returned to Athletics as a full-time employee in 2013. Today, his work focuses on extending the studio’s identity work with powerful creative technologies.

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