abhishek Mishra

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Org chart

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Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Ownership
  • team spirit
  • reliability
  • integrity
  • self-motivation

We select employees where we see all that we need them to have when they are joining in. So almost all employee come have the qualities and have the intent to excel in their work it is us 'the managers' who need to provide them all support and guidance they need to excel. We can help them develop all qualities that is must to have along with making them understand the goals and objective which is needed to be achieved at the same time giving them full scope to freely work with free mind so that they can give their best You will automatically have all the qualities in them which are stated above and they will be working thier best to make the organisation best and most performing

My communication style

  • Open
  • positive
  • articulate
  • genuine
  • clear

I am very open and positive and talk to everyone from top to bottom in a very natural way but making it very clear as what is needed to be done and help in talks by suggestion as to how it is to be achieved