The Sports and Wellness Instructors team at Asphalt Green is dedicated to promoting health and fitness through diverse programming for all ages and skill levels. This team includes specialized instructors and coaches who lead classes in swimming, yoga, group fitness, and recreational sports, as well as tailored programs for individuals with special needs. Their mission is to empower individuals to achieve their wellness goals while fostering a love for sports and physical activity within the community.
Janine Welgoss
Group Fitness Instructor
Joni Dropkin
Aquatic Exercise Instructor
Jordan Haskell
Swim Instructor
Lugo Janet
Group Exercise Zumba Instructo...
Matthew Kenvin
Swim Instructor
Matthew Mullin
Baseball Coach/special Needs I...
Megan Hoffman
Swim Instructor And Deck Coord...
Rachel Soyk
Head Lifeguard And Swimming In...
Shanice Mike
Zumba Instructor
Suzi Geiger
Yoga Instructor