Raleigh Mayberry

Director of AN Foundation at All Nations Collective

Raleigh Mayberry is the Director of AN Foundation at All Nations Collective. Raleigh has been with All Nations Worship Assembly since September 2016 and in their current role as Director of Community Outreach, they have led a team of 100+ volunteers to plan and execute citywide community outreach projects. Raleigh has successfully trained over 100 volunteers which included school staff, youth, Community stakeholders, and outreach workers to build restorative mindsets and capacity, to implement Restorative Practices such as talking circles, restorative conversations, peace circles, and peer conferences.

Raleigh has also hosted various youth group circles and parent trainings, to curtail violent behavior in school and at home, by bridging the communication gap between parents and youth. In addition, Raleigh has volunteered at various inner-city schools to provide resources for troubled youth in under resourced communities. Her work has resulted in increased funding and resources for students, families, and those facing homelessness in the inner city.

Raleigh Mayberry has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Capella University.

Raleigh Mayberry reports to Josh Alexander, Executive Director. They are on a team with Khalil Tubbs - Executive Assistant to Executive Director, Monique Flemings - Director of Affiliate Churches, and Torace Solomon - Director of Church Planting Services.

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