Dr. Song has extensive expertise in wireless device/systems and product commercialization, with related publications in technical conferences and journals and three pending patents. She received her B.S. in Material Protection (Corrosion and Anti-Corrosion) and M.S. in Applied Chemistry from East China University of Technology, in 1996 and 1999, respectively, M.S. in Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering from University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) in 2003 and 2004 respectively, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from UHM in 2014.
While Dr. Song currently serves as Adnoviv’s technology consultant, she was previously the VP of Research at Adnoviv (’14-‘15), where she lead the research and development of the first occupancy sensor using Doppler radar cardiopulmonary detection technology and served as the principal investigator for a National Science Foundation STTR project. She also held a position of lead hardware engineer in a wireless technology company, Concentris Systems (’06-‘12), where she gained experience in wireless device/system and product development. Before that, she worked as a research engineer at Biological Instrumentation Lab (’05-‘06) and Instrumentation Development Lab (’04-‘05) at UHM, respectively.