As Senior Vice PresÂiÂdent, Finance, Fern MacÂDonÂald proÂvides leadÂerÂship, direcÂtion and manÂageÂment to the organization’s globÂal finance and accountÂing team includÂing responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for reportÂing, budÂgetÂing, foreÂcastÂing, comÂpliÂance and taxÂaÂtion as well as supÂportÂing M&A activity.
MacÂDonÂald joined accesÂso in May 2018 bringÂing over 16 years of finance and accountÂing expeÂriÂence from both pracÂtice and indusÂtry. MacÂDonÂald is both a CharÂtered AccounÂtant and CPA and holds a BA from Dublin City UniÂverÂsiÂty, Ireland.
PriÂor to joinÂing accesÂso, MacÂDonÂald spent 8 years with priÂvate equiÂty backed comÂpaÂny ZeroChaos, ultiÂmateÂly servÂing as ExecÂuÂtive Vice PresÂiÂdent, Finance, supÂportÂing the globÂal finance operÂaÂtions, from their US headÂquarÂters, through a periÂod of sigÂnifÂiÂcant growth and acquisÂiÂtive activÂiÂty. PreÂviÂousÂly, MacÂDonÂald was a senior manÂagÂer with Ernst & Young, servÂing a series of pubÂlic and priÂvate clients from both the Dublin, IreÂland and Moscow, RusÂsia offices.
Orlando, United States
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