
Explore 282 companies in Slovenia

Telemach Slovenija je eden največjih slovenskih telekomunikacijskih operaterjev. Je največji ponudnik video vsebin in širokopasovnega interneta ter najhitreje rastoči ponudnik mobilnih storitev na slovenskem trgu. Veliko pozornost posveča zagotavljanju kakovostnih, stabilnih in tehnološko dovršenih

Vse od leta 1991, ko smo na slovenski trg prenesli evropske standarde nakupovanja, uresničujemo poslovno vizijo, s katero želimo ponuditi najboljše razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno, zagotoviti široko izbiro in svežino ter delati za skupen cilj – zadovoljstvo vsakega kupca. Do aprila 2021 naša mreža t

1 follower is a content delivery platform that specializes in offering content with lightning-fast speeds around the world.


1 follower

Our crypto trading algorithms have been running since 2018. We have deep domain expertise in the development, backtesting, and deployment of high-frequency trading algorithms and order&execution management systems. Our mission is to create open and trustworthy markets in the crypto world by providi

RTV Slovenija


RTV Slovenija is a Public Institution and non-profit organisation. It renders public service in the field of radio and television activities in accordance to the RTV Slovenija Act. It produces two national TV programmes, two regional TV programmes, TV programmes for Italian and Hungarian Nationa

SKB banka


SKB Bank is a development-oriented universal bank that provides a comprehensive and diverse range of high-quality banking products and services via various sales channels including 48 branches across Slovenia as well as digital channels such as online and mobile banking, ATMs network, payment and cr



Resalta is an energy efficiency company providing services to reduce environmental footprint and manage energy consumption.

Zebra BI


Zebra BI helps you create best-practice business reports, dashboards, and presentations in Excel, Power BI, and PowerPoint in just a few clicks. Zebra BI makes financial reports crystal clear to all levels of management in real working conditions where the reader’s available attention is limited.

SILIKO d.o.o.


Siliko is a family owned business with 630 employees in two countries. - HQ with Development and production in Vrhnika, Slovenia - Main production site in Sevnica, Slovenia - Production of elastomer parts in Sombor, Serbia. Core business is development and production of multi-component parts from r

The Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. The subjects concern production and control technologies, communication



Who are we and what we do? Grabit helps its customers to be the best in their business, to optimize their operations and to make the right decisions. We are talented, creative and professional. We offer software products, services and we create complete solutions that help our customers in their bu



Fotona’s research and development facilities serve to meet the needs of the fast-changing market and set new standards of excellence for medical and non-medical high-performance laser systems. Its advanced laser technologies make treatments in areas such as aesthetics and dermatology, dentistry, sur



As the leading manufacturer of prefabricated houses in Slovenia, Marles Hiše is dedicated to transforming the way we build homes. With over 100 years of experience, we have proudly delivered more than 30,000 individual buildings and 400 schools, shaping communities across regions. At Marles Hiše, w

Z naprednimi izolacijskimi rešitvami in zanesljivo kakovostnimi izdelki prinašamo bivalno udobje v vaše domove, omogočamo uresničitev najzahtevnejših gradbenih in arhitekturnih projektov, snujemo industrijam prilagojene embalažne sisteme ter druge zahtevne tehnične in rezane izdelke po vaši meri. S

DARS d.d.


Z gradnjo, upravljanjem in vzdrževanjem avtocest in hitrih cest povezujemo Slovenijo ter omogočamo našim uporabnikom varno in udobno mobilnost. Pri tem sprejemamo različne ukrepe za zagotavljanje varnosti in čim večje pretočnosti avtocestnega omrežja. Poseben poudarek namenjamo ozaveščanju uporabnik

Clover Labs


Helping high-growth startups reach their goals and impress their users with dedicated remote teams.

OTP banka je zaupanja vredna, vodilna finančna institucija v Sloveniji, ki zagotavlja kakovostne bančne storitve in produkte, tako v segmentu poslovanja s prebivalstvom kot tudi v segmentu poslovanja s podjetji. Z več kot 900 bančnimi točkami je najbolj dostopna banka v Sloveniji, s preprostimi in

Euroforest Group


The leader in the world market for export and production of wood products. Euroforest has been in business since 2008 and over the years has become one of the largest exporters in the Balkan region. The subject of the company's activity is the export of softwood and hardwood. In 2018, we were name



Group that organizes TEDxLjubljana events. Recruiting sponsors, inspiring speakers, exceeding audience expectation. TEDxLjubljana since 2009. These independent TEDx events are operated under license from TED. Inspired by hugely popular TED Talks and TED conferences -



Tiny shop with a huge mission: offering top quality, affordable food and #zerowaste products without plastic packaging 🌍💚🌱

Medijski guruji


Medijski guruji is an advertising agency based in Maribor, Slovenia. We take an integrated approach to marketing and help you achieve better results by developing your specific characteristics to comparative advantage.



Ciciban čevlji so narejeni iz skrbno izbranih naravnih materialov in so vedno v koraku s trendi.



Mobile apps for galleries, museums and artists.



A boutique Michelin starred restaurant in the pristine alpine backdrop sharing the finest of Slovenian cuisine and culture.



Joan is an online platform that provides a comprehensive range of workforce management solutions for various business industries.

mimovrste d.o.o.


Spletna trgovina mimovrste=) je nastala leta 2002, kot uresničitev ideje, da bi kupcem omogočili prijazen, kakovosten, udoben in ugoden spletni nakup, kar je naše poslanstvo še danes. Začeli smo kot majhna ekipa, v majhni za računalništvo specializirani trgovini in skladišču na Jesenicah. Neprespane

Sava d.d. is the management centre of the Sava Group which does strategic investments in the tourism sector.

Krka dd Novo Mesto is a Slovenia-based company engaged in the production of pharmaceutical preparations. The Company operates through four segments: Prescription Pharmaceuticals that includes medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, alimentary tract and metabolism and drugs for diseas



A dedicated first page for the browser, built on the principles of privacy and personalisation

MESI Medical


Maker of MESI mTABLET, predictive medical assessment platform for healthcare with extensive AI and marketplace capabilities.

Litostroj Group is one of the main producer of complex shaped individual castings made of steel and special alloys and development, manufacture, marketing, assembly and service of the presses and devices. Litostroj Group present the union of next five company: Litostroj Steel Ltd., Litostroj Ravne L

TIGROUP is an IT consulting company focused on implementation and support of complex solutions based on SAP that has broad competences in the following fields: e-commerce, warehouse logistics, wholesale and retail commerce, manufacturing, etc.

Adria Home


Adria Mobilehomes - The leading European manufacturer of Mobile homes, Modular homes and Glamping tents

Revoz D.d.


Revoz D.d. is a consumer goods company based out of Slovenia.

Inles dd


Inles dd is a Slovenia-based company principally engaged in the production of construction supplies. Its product range comprises wood, aluminum and vinyl windows; wood, aluminum and vinyl entrance doors; window roller blinds and insect screens; massive interior and swing doors, as well as wood and a

SID banka v imenu in za račun države opravlja dejavnosti zavarovanja izvoznih kreditov in investicij ter program izravnave obresti. Med dejavnostmi, ki jih izvaja za lasten račun, je temeljna dejavnost financiranje mednarodnega gospodarskega sodelovanja, to je priprave na mednarodne gospodarske posl

Istrabenz dd


Istrabenz dd is a Slovenia-based holding company responsible for the asset management and supervision of the Istrabenz Group members. The Company's business operations are divided into four divisions: Energy, engaged in natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas trading; Tourism, operating hotels, gues

Iskratel, d.o.o.


The company's basic activity is the development of complete solutions for fixed and mobile telephony, convergence networks, next-generation networks, and network management required for the communication needs of the future information society. Apart from collaboration with the partners, the Company



WordPress Themes that make your work easier! The number of small business owners that want a better website is constantly growing. That's why there is a big need for people like you to deliver great websites. In 5 years we have helped ten thousands of freelancers and agencies by providing WordPres

Airport shuttle and tourist transfers in Slovenia

The University of Maribor was established in 1975. With its 17 Faculties, the University Library Maribor and the Student Dormitories, it is the second largest and second oldest university in Slovenia with a long tradition. During these years, it became a successful scientific institution, the primar

Helios Resins


Helios Resins is a highest quality liquid resins for advanced coating and composite manufacturers globally.

DAVIDOV HRAM d.o.o. Ljubno is a company based out of Ljubno ob Savinji, Ljubno, Slovenia.



With Skila you will decrease return-associated logistics and waste costs, maximize your ability to resell items, recapture revenue, lower return costs, and build a long-term relationship with your customers.

Q Vapehouse


A wide range of e-cigarettes, atomizers and more than 300 different flavors of e-liquids that will help you quit smoking! View the locations of all Q Vapehouse shops at

Zavarovalnica Triglav dd is Slovenian-based company principally engaged in the insurance and financial services. Zavarovalnica Triglav dd is the controlling company of the Triglav Group which offers insurance, asset management and banking services. Zavarovalnica Triglav dd, Zdrastvena zavarovalnica